Stefanie Ramos Bierge
Linguistics | Ecology | Education | Community work
The most recent project, a work in progress, is an interdisciplinary collaboration between ethnobotany and linguistics for the Wixárika language at the New York Botanical Garden, directed by Dr. Alex McAlvay.
I am also colaborating with anthropologist Dr. Magnus Pharao from the University of Copenhagen to collaborate on a mixed approach project on the history of Southern Uto-Aztecan languages and the development of mythological traditions in Wixárika and Naáyeri.
I have participated in projects of different nature, including language documentation for the Center for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the West (University of Colorado at Boulder), a study on Spatial language and numerical skills for the Language, Cognition and Development Laboratory (University of Colorado at Boulder), and language acquisition in a simultaneous bilingual (University of Colorado at Boulder).
I have interest in collaborating with different disciplines as the experience provides more in-depth perspectives on the phenomenon of language.
2023-2025 "Exploring the deep history of Southern Uto-Aztecan languages and peoples: A Mixed
Methods approach"
Directed by: Dr. Magnus Pharao Hansen
University of Copenhagen
2022-25 "The language of land and life: connecting language and ecology in Wixárika (hch)"
Postdoctoral Associate
Directed by: Dr. Alex McAlvay
New York Botanical Garden
2019 "Adquisition of clitics and tense/aspect in an Spanish-English simultaneous bilingual”.
Researcher on Morphosyntax
Directed by: Jonnia Torres Carolan
University of Colorado at Boulder, Linguistics.
2017 “Spatial Language Training to Improve numerical skills in Elementary School children”
Research Assistant
Directed by: Dr. Bhuvana Narasimhan
The Language, Cognition and Development Laboratory
University of Colorado at Boulder, Linguistics
2011-2017 “Linguistic Fieldwork in the Denver-Boulder area with Mesoamerican languages spoken by local immigrants”
Graduate research assistant
Directed by: Dr. J. Andrew Cowell
Center for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the West (CSILW)
University of Colorado at Boulder, Linguisticsāā